12step Inspiration Uncategorized

Was Dracula Really Just Drinking…Blood?

In my last blog post, I talked about how wrong I was in my belief that Stephen King’s Misery was about the artist trapped in the horror-genre.  After reading his book, On Writing-A Memoir of the Craft, it turns out that he was writing about being trapped and crippled by drugs and alcohol.  So much for my years of literary interpretation I learned at school! This has opened up my eyes and I now wonder how many other novels or short shorts are about addiction and alcoholism masked in metaphors. …

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12step Inspiration

Stephen King Is One Of Us

I picked up a used book by Stephen King called On Writing – A Memoir of the Craft. It’s partially a memoir, and partially a how-to book on writing.  To my amazement there is a small section of the memoir, Chapter 36, where he talks about his struggles with addiction. He very openly and poignantly describes his battle with booze and drugs and discusses the myth surrounding mind-altering substances and creative endeavor.  He talks about 20th century writers like Hemingway and Fitzgerald who have perpetuated the myth that one must…

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