12step AA Alcoholics Anonymous Addiction Recovery Al-Anon Clean birthday Inspiration NA Narcotics Anonymous Recovery relapse relapse prevention relaspe preveniton sober birthday sobriety anniversary

Sober Diva

A new design inspired by one of my customers.  He told me he likes calling his wife now 10 years sober, his “sober diva”.   Liked it so much, I decided to create a product.  The back can be customized. to include your personal message.  See this link for a product details:  http://serenityisforever.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/668/s/serenity-prayer-heart-necklace-fine-925-sterling-silver/  

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12step Al-Anon Inspiration NA Narcotics Anonymous relapse relapse prevention relaspe preveniton Serenity Prayer

Promises Promises

Gorgeous hand made wallets are a wonderful gift for people in recovery. Wallets have a deep symbolic meaning because just about everyone in recovery has had financial problems due to their using or drinking. Sobriety brings more financial stability.. Giving a wallet sends he message “now that you won’t be squandering all your money on drugs or alcohol, you’ll be needing a nice place to put your money.” Sobriety is its own reward, but as the Big Book promises: “Fear…of economic insecurity will leave us.” As a matter of fact,…

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